Sqn Ldr Mark Long Patch
As you are all aware Sqn Ldr Mark Long tragically lost his life on the 25th May 2024. With the thousands of tributes that poured in it was clear to see what Mark meant to so many. Mark left a profound impression on me after meeting him so I felt compelled to do something to both remember him and raise funds for a charity.
With the full blessing of Marks family and the BBMF the patch below was created in his memory. Designed by myself with images I’ve captured and stunningly mastered into a patch by the incredibly talented people at runway25shop. Incredibly, they also extremely kindly donated, and paid for the production of all the patches.
100% of proceeds from the sales of these patches will be donated to the BBMF’s scholarship programme for allowing disabled people to take to the air, something close to my heart having a disabled daughter myself.
As you are all aware Sqn Ldr Mark Long tragically lost his life on the 25th May 2024. With the thousands of tributes that poured in it was clear to see what Mark meant to so many. Mark left a profound impression on me after meeting him so I felt compelled to do something to both remember him and raise funds for a charity.
With the full blessing of Marks family and the BBMF the patch below was created in his memory. Designed by myself with images I’ve captured and stunningly mastered into a patch by the incredibly talented people at runway25shop. Incredibly, they also extremely kindly donated, and paid for the production of all the patches.
100% of proceeds from the sales of these patches will be donated to the BBMF’s scholarship programme for allowing disabled people to take to the air, something close to my heart having a disabled daughter myself.
Currently £7,685 has been raised to both honour Mark and raise funds for a fantastic cause.
Thank you for all the support.